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Fast Forward to Tomorrow: Benefits of Remote Monitoring with Drone High-Resolution 3D Data

Advantages to Remote Monitoring come about with Drone High Res 3D Data Captures

Actionable Interactive 3D Models

The advantages of using drones for high-resolution data capture is understood by many to include remote inspections and remote surveys. Drone data capture is far safer than a man armed with a ladder, and oftentimes much more cost-effective. Asset managers can monitor a physical project with high-quality data sets that are accurate and measurable through the asset/project life cycle today. From moving soil to monitoring corrosion, remote monitoring and autonomous drone operation and data collection is the very best way to develop actionable interactive 3D models that enable your team to collaborate, remotely from each other, and from the site. Now fast forward to tomorrow. Your organization has ceased all non-essential travel due to the Coronavirus. Are you prepared to manage your capital project or physical asset?

Drones provide a bird’s eye view of expansive project sites; the right software lets you monitor from anywhere in the world.

Hands down, drones allow for more frequent remote monitoring and monitoring in otherwise inaccessible areas. The impact of drone technology on the digital transformation of heavy industries is undeniable.  Asset managers in oil and gas, construction and infrastructure, and power and utilities are addressing high operational risk, regulatory constraints, technology risk and construction risk with drone-based software solutions.

Drones + Remote Monitoring makes your organization more competitive… and provides a safer work environment for your employees

The use cases for safe, cost-effective drone solutions range from data collection to delivery to predictive analysis. Companies using drone technology have a competitive advantage over other companies that are less innovative and sticking to traditional ways of monitoring and analyzing job sites.

Top Advantages of Remote Monitoring 

  1. Reduce travel time, field time and survey costs
  2. Enable remote time-critical visual inspections
  3. Afford more strategic planned maintenance
  4. Monitor thermal, nuclear, hydroelectric, wind, and solar assets more safely
  5. Incur less risk and consequently lower costs
  6. Receive more precise digital data to allow for more accurate readings
  7. Access via cloud-based integration
  8. Observe seamless construction job-site progress monitoring
  9. Calculate ‘overburdens’ and plan for an efficient removal
  10. Managing Inventory, Better. Calculating stockpile volume and material types for inventory.
Experts believe that many organizations carry excess inventory as they don’t know what they have or where it’s located. Solving this issue, in part with drone remote monitoring, will allow organizations to reduce their inventory and expenses by billions of USD.

The Visual Data Management System

Are you using an interactive visual data management system to remotely monitor your capital project or a physical asset? Eye-bot experts have created an end-to-end 3D visualization models that empower asset managers to make decisions and ensure absolute asset knowledge from the comfort of their desktop or mobile device. Actionable insights and enhanced analytical capability enable heavy industries to safely and efficiently manage their physical assets remotely. Teams can manage, collaborate, track and plan for the expected and unexpected on every project, across all of your far-flung locations with geoXD™, our cloud-based 3D visualization portal that offers limitless seats. Collecting critical data about projects, infrastructure and assets today will permit you to remotely monitor your investments with or without the Coronavirus.  To learn more about remote monitoring with geoXD™ visit www.eye-bot.com.