• Eye-bot
Eye-bot Aerial Solutions Drone Inspection

VEERUM + Eye-bot Delivering 3D Data Sets Enable Transportation Industry Remote Access to Assets

VEERUM and Eye-bot Aerial Solutions have partnered to deliver innovative digital solutions for clients in the rail & transportation industry; in addition to use cases in oil and gas, construction, and infrastructure. Currently, asset owners rely on out of date or unlinked data for vital decision making. This uncertainty results in unplanned on-site rework, schedule slippage, and budget overruns. By aggregating all asset information in a single source of truth platform, asset owners have access to the historical system of record. Together, VEERUM and Eye-bot are providing the next generation of digital tools to give their clients the leading edge in digital transformation.

Eye-bot is a team of highly skilled drone pilots and software engineers that collect and process highly accurate data sets for a very diverse set of worldwide customers. Eye-bot’s data collection techniques and processing expertise generate the highest quality 3D data which enable asset and project managers to remotely access their data sets from anywhere. Eye-bot delivers 3D data sets that are accurate and measurable and they typically collect in hard to reach, linear, and wide-area assets. Fast turnaround, accurate, high-resolution data is game-changing for the transportation and rail industries. Quality data is vital for remote decision making and maintaining a verified digital system of record.

VEERUM is pushing the new industry standard in asset visualization solutions. It’s data-agnostic Asset Information and Visualization Platform aggregates all existing and current asset data in the context of a 3D model. Asset stakeholders can collaborate remotely with the confidence they are viewing the same asset information. Additional analytic tools provide digitally verified insights into current site conditions. The simple to use tool is available to all project stakeholders for unmatched collaboration capabilities.

Pairing VEERUM’s 3D Visualization Platform with Eye-bot’s data collection solutions is the easiest way to deliver current digital tools to your asset team, supporting business continuity, enabling remote collaboration, and accelerating digital adoption.

Digital Rail Corridor Management Solution

The rail asset management solution delivers remote site reality to the entire asset team via the VEERUM cloud-hosted platform. Regular railway digitization allows users to overlay historic reality scans in the same user interface, providing a digital model to monitor rail movement. Asset owners can get a digital representation of their rail system digitized and monitor any issues remotely. Off-site stakeholders can communicate with the rest of the project team via collaboration tools available in the 3D Visualization Platform. This reduces site exposure hours and improves transparency across the entire asset lifecycle.

Digital Transformation Strategy

Let’s see how it works:

  1. Aggregate existing data

The first step to adopting this digital rail corridor management solution is to aggregate all existing asset data including designs, reality captures, IoT information, and associated content management systems. Our services team will help you verify the information is correct and identify any data gaps that can be filled in with additional data collection. This step future-proofs your asset and ensures that all information is available for future handover or acquisition. 

  1. Creating a data-rich asset

Regular reality data captures unlock additional verification tools. As reality changes, asset owners can be notified of any unplanned movement that is not clear to the naked eye. With this analysis, owners can proactively plan maintenance projects to ensure there is no disruption to operations.

For example, an owner may want their rail systems to be digitized every six months. Each new digitization can be compared to the previous scan to identify any movement and highlight potential issues. With VEERUM’s heatmap tool, users can toggle the tolerance of movement between two scans and quickly identify any location that has changed in the last 6 months. With this information, they can plan future maintenance projects, and communicate remotely with contractors.

  1. Analyze and communicate

The Asset Visualization and Information Platform includes digital analytic tools that provide additional insights to the 3D models. Rail movement monitoring, quality assurance, and asset integrity monitoring offer digitally verified data for off-site decision making. Users can communicate with the rest of the project team using threaded conversations, shareview links, and screenshot capabilities. These communication tools enable users to add context to virtual meetings while working remotely.

Additional benefits of remote site access

With a digital replica of the site available anywhere in the world, all project stakeholders can virtually visit the project without leaving the safety and convenience of the office. This enables a wide variety of use cases including: 

  • Keeping projects on track and under budget
  • Off-site safety training
  • 3rd party contractor bidding
  • Remote site walkthroughs
  • Off-site construction planning i.e. New Mobility, Traffic Engineering & Operations.
  • Create a viable path towards predictive analytics 

With Eye-bot and VEERUM’s joint solution, you can verify your asset data, aggregate it into a cloud-hosted platform, make data-supported decisions, and optimize your project outcomes.

Visit VEERUM.com for more information.